Friday, 14 December 2012

Launch Event

The book was officially launched in the UK on 13 December with a reception at Queen Mary University of London. Here are some photos from the event (with thanks to Laura Landon for the the good quality ones). As you can see the books finally arrived  just in time.

Norman Fenton, Rob Calver (CRC) and Martin Neil  (photo courtesy of Laura Landon)

Photo courtesy of Laura Landon

Rob Calver (Photo courtesy of Laura Landon)
Norman, Naomi and Martin (Photo courtesy of Laura Landon)

Monday, 10 December 2012

Continued delay in distribution of the book in Europe

Although the book was published on 7 November in the USA the copies for distribution in Europe have STILL not arrived. The entire first print run has been sold out but we are told the second print run should be available in the USA at the end of this week and some of those will be shipped to the UK.

We have a private launch party on Thursday and still have not had our own copies of the book, but the publishers are running off a special 20 print-on-demand copies for the event.

Despite the difficulty of actually getting the book it continues to get great reviews on Amazon (see, e.g. here and here) while Angela Saini has posted a nice article about it today. And it is the featured book at the Theorem of the Day website.